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How To Fix Kafka Error - "apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordTooLargeException"

In this post , we will analyze and try to find the Solutions for Kafka Exceptions\Errors - Recordtoolargeexception.  

Fix - apache.kafka.common.errors.recordtoolargeexception

Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordTooLargeException:

This exception can occur at many levels. So first analyze and check on which side , this error occurs - Producer , Broker or Consumer side of the system. Along with the below solution steps, also look at our other post (related) - How to Send Large Messages in Kafka ? Reason and Fix -

  • max.request.size - Increase the maximum Request size by setting a Higher value for max.request.size in file. This value defines the allowance limit for Kafka Producer to send or publish messages. If you are sending data larger than the set limit, exception is thrown.

  • message.max.bytes - Increase the message.max.bytes value by setting a Higher value in file. This is applicable for the Broker . It is the largest allowable size of a message batch. The larger this value , the larger sized-messages can be received from the producer (by the Broker).

  • max.message.bytes - Increase the max.message.bytes - This sets the limit of message on Topic level. The largest size of the message which the broker allows for the topic is defined by this value. By default , it is same as message.max.bytes which is max size on the message Batch level.

  • max.partition.fetch.bytes - Increase max.partition.fetch.bytes value. This sets the limit for consumer . For larger value , the consumer is able to receive larger messages .

  • Also look at below fields on file if above solutions did not resolve the issue.
replica.fetch.max.bytes , replica.fetch.response.max.bytes  

  • Restart the Brokers when you make one or more of the changes explained above.
  Hope this post was helpful.  

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