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How To Fix Kafka Error - "apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException"

In this post , we will analyze and try to find the Solutions for Kafka Exceptions\Errors - TimeoutException.  

Fix - apache.kafka.common.errors.timeoutexception

Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: 


Reason and Fix -

  • First thing first Check and Verify if all the Brokers are Up and running . This issue might happen if any or more of the Brokers are not running and Producer is not able to connect with.

  • Increase the value for . This is the timeout configured on the client side (e.g. Producer in Producer-Broker scenario). The client(Producer) will wait for this much time ( for a response from the the server(Broker). Since Producer has to finish sending the current batch of data within this time ( , if Producer has to wait longer it will throw a Timeout exception

  • Increase the value for .  This value sets the waiting time when the Producer makes another attempt or retries a request. Increasing this value will ensure Producer is not being impatient and sending requests in short intervals. So this will help the producer  to get more time to send messages.

  • If the Producer is an external Software or system , then check the value.
    • This value also decides the waiting period of the client (external Producer - software\system) .
    • This value should be in tandem with value.
    • Try decreasing value.Default is 60000.
    • decide how long the methods KafkaProducer.send() and KafkaProducer.partitionsFor() can be blocked (The reason for blocking can be - either the buffer is full or metadata is unavailable).

  • Check and verify if the Kafka version used is consistent throughout -
    • version used to build the Project jar
    • version used to test
    • version installed on the server etc.
  Hope this post was helpful.  

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