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How To Fix Python - “ImportError: DLL load failed"

This post explains How To Fix Python Error - “ImportError: DLL load failed". We will see Generalized and more specific version of the error.  

Fix - “ImportError: DLL load failed:”

ImportError: DLL load failed:

Reasons & Fixes :

  • Sometimes it happens if there are multiple versions of Python installed. Uninstall the not reuqired version or use Python Virtual Environment (virtualenv) to separate Multiple Python versions.

  • Try reinstalling Python - You can try native Python or Anaconda Python.

  • Check if you have mixed up 64-Bit\32-Bit version updates.

  • Try below -

pip install pyqt5-tools

  • This issue also happens due to Anaconda installation issue .  Check if you have set up the Anaconda path to your System Environment PATH.

Fix - “ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.”

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

Reasons and Fix -  DLL failures are very common when Python components are installed separately or various installation channels are mixed up.

  • Add the DLL Location to the Environment PATH variable. Sometimes some update might screw up the environment variable details.

  • Run the below command if using PyQt5 .

pip install pyqt5-tools


  • Instead of installing the native Python and the packages , try out the Anaconda Python. Anaconda includes most of the major packages used in Python projects and are configured correctly. If it is related to Tensorflow set-up, Ananconda takes care of all necessary packages including the GPU and CUDA.

conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu

It's for Tensorflow 2.1 and Python 3.7. DLL failures are common when components are installed separately or through another channel than Anaconda.


  • Sometimes it happens if there are multiple versions of Python installed. Uninstall the not required version or use Python Virtual Environment (virtualenv) to separate Multiple Python versions.
  Hope you found this post useful.  

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