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How To Fix Python TypeError - "Class Takes No Arguments (1 Given)"

This is a post to explain How To Fix Python TypeError - "Class Takes No Arguments (1 Given)".  This error occurs due to incorrect use of self parameter.  

Fix - class takes no arguments (1 given) :

Consider below example -

class A:
  def func():
    print("Class Test")

a = A()

Gives Error

TypeError: say() takes no arguments (1 given)

Reason and Fix -

  • The errors happens because the func() is a method within a Class. As such the first argument is expected to be a "self" parameter.
    • "self" parameter contains a Reference to itself.
    • Python pass the "self" parameter internally by default when calling a method - whether used or not used by the method does not matter !
  • To fix the error , send the "self" parameter as shown below -

class A:
  def func(self):
    print("Class Test")

Alternatively if you do not want to use the "self" parameter (for whatever reason !) , you can use "@staticmethod" . See below -

class A:
  def func(self):
     print("Class Test")

Hope this post helps.  

Other Interesting Reads -


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