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GCP Google Cloud CLI - gcloud commands

The GCP Google Cloud CLI - gcloud commands or gcloud cli or command-line tool is used to create and manage various Google cloud components.

(We Keep Updating this Cheatsheet - So Bookmark this Page) If you haven't set up google cloud sdk in your local machine , you can refer our post which explains how to do it here - How To Install Google Cloud GCP Command Line Utility gcloud ?  

Authorize access and Google Cloud SDK setup steps:

This command will initialize, authorize, and configure the gcloud tool in your local machine or laptop.

gcloud init

Welcome! This command will take you through the configuration of gcloud.

This command lists all The Projects and provides option

    • to change current project settings
    • add a new project configuration
    • switch project configurations
You can pick from the below config options -

  • Re-initialize this configuration [esqimo-preprod] with new settings
  • Create a new configuration
  • Switch to and re-initialize existing configuration: [default]
  • Switch to and re-initialize existing configuration: [project 1]
  • Switch to and re-initialize existing configuration: [project 2]
Choose the option to login and select in case you have multiple google accounts. On a broader level, gcloud does the below step by step -

  • Select configuration
  • Set up credentials
  • Set project
  • (Optional) Set default GCE zone (Compute API must be enabled)
  • (Optional) Set default GCE region (Compute API must be enabled)
  • (Optional) Create default config file for gsutil

Activate Authorization

    gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file <YOUR\_KEY\_FILE>

Display version

gcloud version

Where is gcloud in PATH

$ which gcloud

Where Google Cloud SDK is installed

$ gcloud info --format="value(installation.sdk\_root)"

dirname $(which gcloud)

ls $(dirname $(which gcloud))

gcloud Default Configuration folders

Default Configs


New Configs


Disable\Ignore\Hide all terminal interactive prompts

Use option --quiet or -q to disable all interactive prompts

gcloud -q compute instances

Display all the properties for the current configuration.

gcloud config list

Display a list of all available configurations.

gcloud config configurations list

Activate a configuration to Switch accounts

gcloud config configurations activate <config\_name>

Create a configuration

gcloud config configurations create <New\_Config\_Name>

Created \[New\_Config\_Name\].
Activated \[New\_Config\_Name\].

List all credentialed accounts

gcloud auth list

Auth Login

gcloud auth login

Remove access credentials for an account.

gcloud auth revoke

What config is used by gcloud (by default):

$ gcloud config list

Application default Login credentials

gcloud auth application-default login

To Get the Organizaton ID

gcloud organizations list

List all the roles associated with a gcp service account

gcloud projects get-iam-policy <PROJECT\_ID>

  • The IAM policies for the project lets you setup who can perform specific actions on a specific resource in the project.
  • The IAM policies for service accounts lets you to control the ownership , access to the service accounts and their settings.
  If you want to prints the output as json format

$ gcloud projects get-iam-policy <PROJECT\_ID> --format=json

List all IAM users for my Google Cloud Project

$ gcloud iam service-accounts list

Add user to a role

$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding \[project\_id\] \\
--member="user:<SOME\_EMAIL>" \\

Add a google-group to a role

$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding \[project\_id\] \\
--member="group:group\[email protected]" \\

Remove user from a role

$ gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding \[project\_id\] \\
--member="user:<SOME\_EMAIL>" \\

Change to the account associated with the project

gcloud config set account <Your\_Account>

Install components

gcloud components install

List components

$ gcloud components list

Your current Cloud SDK version is: xxxx.x.x
The latest available version is: xxx.x.x

 Components │
│ Status        │         Name                     │ ID            │ Size     │
│ Not Installed │ App Engine Go Extensions         │ app-engine-go │ 47.9 MiB │
│ Not Installed │ Bigtable Command Line Tool       │ cbt           │ 3.8 MiB  │
│ Not Installed │ Cloud Datalab Command Line Tool  │ datalab       │ < 1 MiB  │

SSH into a VM instance 

gcloud compute ssh

Configure SSH configuration files

gcloud compute config-ssh

List instances

gcloud compute instances list

List instances in a zone

gcloud compute instances list --filter="zone:<ZONE\_NAME>"  (e.g. ZONE\_NAME=us-central-a)

List projects

gcloud projects list

List project Info

gcloud compute project-info describe

List Instance

gcloud compute instances list

List your project's logs

gcloud logging logs list

Change the project in GCP using CLI commands

gcloud config set project <project\_id>

Alternatively set the environment variable - $CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT  

List the project names

gcloud projects list

Current Active Project

gcloud config get-value project

Copy a directory from a Google Compute instance to local machine

gcloud compute scp --recurse <user\_name>@instance\_name:./\* "local\_dir"


gcloud compute scp --recurse <gcp\_vm> ./\* <local\_dir>

Find Docker Credentials

$ which docker-credential-gcloud

Other Interesting Reads :

gcloud command ,gcloud command not found ,gcloud commands ,gcloud commands cheat sheet ,gcloud command to list compute instances ,gcloud command not found in mac ,gcloud command to set project ,gcloud command to create kubernetes cluster ,gcloud command to create virtual network ,gcloud command app ,gcloud auth command ,gcloud alpha command ,gcloud app engine command ,gcloud app engine command line ,gcloud run command as service account ,gcloud enable api command line ,gcloud command to create a cluster ,gcloud bq command ,cloud backups command ,gcloud beta commands ,gcloud basic commands ,gcloud beta commands install ,gcloud bigtable commands ,gcloud create bucket command line ,gcloud command to list buckets ,gcloud command cheat sheet ,gcloud command change project ,gcloud command console ,gcloud command connect ,gcloud command check ,gcloud command cache ,gcloud commands cheat sheet pdf ,gcloud commands container ,gcloud command deploy the application in the app engine ,gcloud 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