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How To Build\Create a Docker Image Using Different Options ?

In this post, we will see How To Build\Create a Docker Image Using Different Options. Note the below points about Docker images before we start -

  • You can think a Docker image as bundle of read-only layers stacked. A layer = Delta of changes from the previous Dockerfile instruction.
  • Each Docker container is like a computer with it's own resources (RAM , CPU etc.)
  • Docker images are built using various instructions from a Dockerfile.
  • A Dockerfile contains various commands required to build the image.
  • In case of "Docker build" process , the current working directory is referred as the "Build Context".  And it is assumed that directory will contain the "Dockerfile" . But we can also provide alternate (absolute) path to a different Dockerfile by using "-f" option.
  Now let's see different ways to create Docker images .  

1. Using STDIN Piping (Run-Time Dockerfile) :

  • This method uses the "piping" style of Docker build. In this way , we do not "write" the Dockerfile into any storage location.
  • You can create or build Docker images by piping Dockerfile through stdin . This is valid for both local or remote build context.
  • If you need to Build the Docker image only once and there are no need of any subsequent usage of the Dockerfile , in such cases this type of Docker Build can be used.
The syntax for Docker Build is

docker build \[OPTIONS\] -

Let's say we have below instructions that we need to use to Build a Docker image from STDIN -

FROM ubuntu:latest

To achieve this , we can use below options -  

docker build -t testImage:latest -<<EOF
FROM ubuntu:latest

2. Using a Standard Dockerfile :

  • Let's say in our current directory , we have created a Dockerfile named "Dockerfile" with below contents -

FROM ubuntu:latest

Now we can create a Docker image named "testImage" by running the below command in the same directory . Note the dot(.) in the command - represents the current dir.

docker build -t testImage:v1 .

3. Using Remote Build Context :

  • We can use this Option to build a Docker image using files from remote system like GITHUB.
  • You need to install Git on the system where Docker Build operation is being done.
  • In this case we are using Github as a Remote Build Context.
  • In the background, Docker clones the Git repo to the local machine. And thereby uses the repo files as build context to build the image.

docker build -t testImage:latest -f- <<EOF

4. Using Docker Compose :

To Build a Docker image through Docker Compose , use the below steps -

  • Update the docker-compose.yml file
  • Note the "build" command - it tells docker-compose the location where files for build are located (current dir in our case . See the dot(.) against "build:" value)

version: '3'
build: .
- "8081:8080"

  • Create a Dockerfile and provide all the Build instructions.

  • Next Build the Image using below command.

docker-compose build

  • Subsequently run the Docker Image

docker-compose up

Hope this helps.  

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