In this post, we will explore How To Debug or Troubleshoot Kubernetes Cluster. Kubernetes issues are difficult to detect & identify. We assume that Kubectl CLI is installed and configured in your Kubernetes environment. Let's start with the basic sanity Checks.
kubectl get nodes
kube-1 NotReady <none> 1h v1.23.3
kube-2 Ready <none> 1h v1.23.3
kube-3 Ready <none> 1h v1.23.3
To get even more detailed info about the overall health of the cluster, use below -
kubectl cluster-info dump
kubectl describe node kube-1
Get the node yaml file details
kubectl get node kube-1 -o yaml
kubectl get nodes -o wide
kubectl describe pv <pv name> -n <namespace>
kubectl get pods -n <namespace> -o wide
kubectl logs -f <pod\_name> -n <namespace>
kubectl describe pods <pod\_name> -n <namespace>
Look at any off-beat details in the above.
journalctl -u kubelet.
If systemd is absent, the kubelet and container runtime write to .log files in the /var/log directory. To write logs to custom dir, you can indirectly run below and redirect the helper tool to logs to a different custom dir.
But kubelet always directs the container runtime to write logs within the directory C:\var\log\pods. Note that Kubernetes does not provide cluster-level logging Out of the box. Although that can be achieved using some own approaches. Some of the common node logs are -
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