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How to Enable UTF-8 in Python ?

In this post , we will see - How to Enable UTF-8 in Python.

  • In Python 3 UTF-8 is the default source encoding
  • When the encoding is not correctly set-up , it is commonly seen to throw an ""UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode" error
  • Python string function uses the default character encoding .
    • Check sys.stdout.encoding value - sometimes it is set to "None".
    • The encoding default can be located in - /etc/default/locale
    • The default is defined by the variables LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE
    • Check the values set against these variables.
      • For example - If the default is UTF-8 , these would be LANG="UTF-8" , LC_ALL="UTF-8" , LC_CTYPE="UTF-8"
  • A Standard option is to use "UTF-8" as a encode option which more or less works fine.
  • Verify if the text editor encodes properly your code in UTF-8. Else there would be invisible characters which are not interpreted as UTF-8.
  Let's see the the options to set the UTF-8 Encoding (If you are using Python 3, UTF-8 is the default source encoding)  

  • Set the Python encoding to UTF-8. This will ensure the fix for the current session .



  • Set the environment variables in /etc/default/locale .  This way the system`s default locale encoding is set to the UTF-8 format.

LANG="UTF-8" or "en\_US.UTF-8"
LC\_ALL="UTF-8" or "en\_US.UTF-8"
LC\_CTYPE="UTF-8" or "en\_US.UTF-8"

Or use command line
export LC\_ALL="UTF-8"  
export LC\_ALL="UTF-8"
export LC\_CTYPE="UTF-8"


  • You can Set the encoding in the code also.

b = str1.encode('utf-8')
print (a.encode('utf-8'))
print (b)

b = str1.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode('utf-8')
print (b)


  • Set the encoding at Script Level

\# encoding=utf8
from \_\_future\_\_ import unicode\_literals
import sys


  • Using locale

import os
import locale
os.environ\["PYTHONIOENCODING"\] = "utf-8"
thisLocale=locale.setlocale(category=locale.LC\_ALL, locale="en\_GB.UTF-8")


  • When you use IDLE (Python 2) and the file contains non-ASCII characters , then it will prompt you to add an encoding declaration, using the Emacs -*- style. This basically tells the text editor what codec to use.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -\*- coding: utf-8 -\*-

#!/usr/bin/env python 
# coding: utf8


  • If you encode with ascii an decide to throw out the unicode characters ,use the below option . In this example , unicode characters will be dropped from varB.

varb = str1.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
print (varB)


Additional points :

  • UTF-8 properties -
    • Can handle any Unicode code point.
    • A string of ASCII text is also valid UTF-8 text.
    • UTF-8 is a byte oriented encoding. The encoding specifies that each character is represented by a specific sequence of one or more bytes. This avoids the byte-ordering issues that can occur with integer and word oriented encodings, like UTF-16 and UTF-32, where the sequence of bytes varies depending on the hardware on which the string was encoded.
  Hope this helps.  

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