In this post, we will explore How To Fix - "Container Killed By YARN for Exceeding Memory Limits" in AWS EMR Spark. The job log might exhibit the below error message in the terminal.
Reason: Container killed by YARN for exceeding memory limits.
This error strictly means that -
spark.driver.memoryOverhead <**ADD\_NEW\_VALUE**\>
spark.executor.memoryOverhead <**ADD\_NEW\_VALUE**\>
--class org.apache.spark.yourSparkApp \\
--master yarn \\
--deploy-mode cluster \\
--conf spark.driver.memoryOverhead=<**ADD\_NEW\_VALUE**\> \\
--conf spark.executor.memoryOverhead=<**ADD\_NEW\_VALUE**\> \\
Note: If the fix does not help, revert back the changes from spark-defaults.conf to the original values.
spark.driver.cores <**ADD\_NEW\_VALUE**\>
spark.executor.cores <**ADD\_NEW\_VALUE**\>
--class org.apache.spark.yourSparkApp \\
--master yarn \\
--deploy-mode cluster \\
----executor-cores <**ADD\_NEW\_VALUE**\> \\
--driver-cores <**ADD\_NEW\_VALUE**\> \\
Note: If the fix does not help, revert back the changes from spark-defaults.conf to the original values.
spark.executor.memory <**ADD\_NEW\_VALUE**\>
spark.driver.memory <**ADD\_NEW\_VALUE**\>
--class org.apache.spark.yourSparkApp \\
--master yarn \\
--deploy-mode cluster \\
--executor-memory <**ADD\_NEW\_VALUE**\> \\
--driver-memory <**ADD\_NEW\_VALUE**\> \\
Hope this helps to solve the error.
Container Killed By YARN for Exceeding Memory Limits ,yarn increase memory limit ,disabling yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled because of yarn-4714 ,spark.yarn.executor.memoryoverhead value ,spark.yarn.executor.memoryoverhead deprecated ,spark.yarn.executor.memoryoverhead spark-submit ,spark yarn container memory ,yarn kill container ,spark virtual memory ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits glue ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits pyspark ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits cloudera ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits emr ,reason container killed by yarn for exceeding memory ,executorlostfailure container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,aws container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,yarnallocator container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,warn yarnallocator container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,aws glue container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,aws emr container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,disabling yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled because of yarn-4714 ,spark.yarn.executor.memoryoverhead value ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits. 5.5 gb of 5.5 gb physical memory used ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits. 2.5 gb of 2.5 gb physical memory used ,spark.yarn.executor.memoryoverhead deprecated ,yarn increase memory limit ,spark.yarn.executor.memoryoverhead spark-submit ,spark yarn container memory ,yarn kill container ,spark virtual memory , , ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits in spark ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits spark ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits spark plugs ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits spark.yarn.executor.memoryoverhead ,reason container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,spark error container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,spark reason container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits , ,Container Killed By YARN for Exceeding Memory Limits ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits glue ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits pyspark ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits cloudera ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits emr , ,reason container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits spark ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits spark.yarn.executor.memoryoverhead ,spark error container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,container was killed by the yarn framework for exceeding memory limits ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits. 5.5 gb of 5.5 gb physical memory used ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits. 2.5 gb of 2.5 gb physical memory used ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits. 1.4 gb of 1.4 gb physical memory used ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits. 2.4 gb of 2.4 gb physical memory used ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits in spark ,lost executor container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits ,container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits. physical memory used ,container killed by yarn for exceeding physical memory limits ,spark reason container killed by yarn for exceeding memory limits