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How To Fix - Database Access Error in MongoDB ?

This Post explains - How To Fix - Database Access Error in MongoDB. Sometimes (if you are using older versions of MongoDB while the source code uses latest version systax , you might face issue while connecting Database Objects. We will discuss one such example below.


  • During execution of the code at the time of Database Access , you get the below error -

"Error:(21, 51) java: incompatible types: com.mongodb.DB cannot be converted to com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase"



  • Most likely you are not using the Updated MongoDB java driver.
  • Maybe you are using getDB() Function (Old) insetad of  getDatabase() Function (New)

Fix :

  • Update the mongo-java-driver to the latest version .
  • The latest version uses getDatabase()" Function to access Database Objects. See Example below -
The below piece of code is taken from MongoDB Official Documentation -

final MongoClient client = MongoClients.create(uri);

Prereq: Create collections. CRUD operations in transactions must be on existing collections.

      .withWriteConcern(WriteConcern.MAJORITY).insertOne( new Document("abc", 0));

.withWriteConcern(WriteConcern.MAJORITY).insertOne( new Document("xyz", 0));

Hope this Post helps you To Fix - Database Access Error in MongoDB  

Additional Read -