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How To Fix - "Error: Libpq-fe.h: No Such File or Directory" ?

In this post, we will see How To Fix "Error: libpq-fe.h: No Such File or Directory". There can be various formats of the error depending on the context of use. Couple of those are shown below -

error: libpq-fe.h: No such file or directory

Can't find the 'libpq-fe.h header

psycopg2 fatal error libpq-fe.h no such file or directory

cannot open include file 'libpq-fe.h' no such file or directory

This issue occurs while installing postgresql or psycopg2 if the steps are not followed properly.  

  • Did you install pyscopg2 correctly ? Note that - it is a C wrapper around the libpq postgreSQL client library. And hence there are few things that you need to take care of. Follow the below steps if not done already.
  To solve the error, use the below -  

Option 1 : General Steps


  • Python header files - These are needed for pycopg2. So install these by installing the the package - python-dev or python3-dev as per the python version.

sudo apt-get install python-dev  <- for python 2.7

sudo apt-get install python3.5-dev <- python 3.5

sudo apt-get install python3.9-dev <- python 3.9

Note : While doing this step, if you see an error - "Python.h: No such file or directory", the fix is explained here - How To Fix – fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory ?  

  • libpq header files - These are also needed for psycopg2. So install these by installing the package libpq-dev.

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev


  • pg_config -  It is installed by the libpq-dev package. But it might get missed from being added to the PATH. Get the path . Generally it is - /usr/lib/postgresql/X.Y/bin/. And then add it to the PATH.

$ export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/X.Y/bin/:$PATH


  • Assuming you followed the above steps, run the below -

$ pip install psycopg2


Option 2: For Ubuntu

Use below -

sudo apt install libpq-dev


Option 3:

Use below snippets

sudo yum install postgresql-devel

yum install python-devel postgresql-devel


Option 4 : Using already installed libpq-fe.h correctly

There is possibility that libpq-fe.h is already in the system. But it is not being correctly pointed at. Follow below steps for that.

  • Check libpq version and info

brew info libpq

  • Locate libpq-fe.h

yum install mlocate 

sudo updateb 

locate libpq-fe.h


  • Update ~/.bash_profile. pg_config is installed by the libpq-dev package. But it might get missed from being added to the PATH. Get the path . Generally it is - /usr/lib/postgresql/X.Y/bin/. And then add it to the PATH.

export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/X.Y/bin/:$PATH


export PATH=/usr/pgsql-10/bin/:$PATH


  • As a next step just install psycopg2 or whatever you have being doing. That should work.

Option 5 : For Mac


brew install libpq

brew link --force libpq

gem install pg

  Hope this helps to solve the error.  

Other Interesting Reads -


libpq-fe.h no such file or directory ,libpq-fe.h no such file or directory psycopg2 ,fatal error libpq-fe.h no such file or directory centos ,cannot open include file 'libpq-fe.h' no such file or directory ,psycopg libpq-fe.h no such file or directory ,ruby fatal error libpq-fe.h no such file or directory ,python psycopg2 libpq-fe.h no such file or directory ,r fatal error libpq-fe.h no such file or directory ,libpq-fe.h no such file or directory centos ,libpq-fe.h no such file or directory centos 7 , ,error libpq-fe.h no such file or directory ,psycopg2 fatal error libpq-fe.h no such file or directory ,fatal error libpq-fe.h no such file or directory centos ,psycopg fatal error libpq-fe.h no such file or directory ,ruby fatal error libpq-fe.h no such file or directory ,r fatal error libpq-fe.h no such file or directory , , ,libpq-fe.h no such file or directory centos 7 ,libpq-fe.h no such file or directory psycopg2 ,libpq-fe h no such file or directory windows ,libpq-dev ,pip 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