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How To Fix - Error: Unable To Find Utility Instruments, Not A Developer Tool or In PATH ?

In this post, we will see How To Fix - "Error: Unable To Find Utility "Instruments", Not A Developer Tool or In PATH".  

xcrun: error: unable to find utility "instruments", not a developer 
tool or in PATH

xcrun: error: unable to find utility "instruments", not a developer 
tool or in PATH

xcrun: error: Failed to locate 'instruments'


  • First thing first , if you are using an older version, do note that - "instruments" util was deprecated from Xcode12 onwards (and hence not present in Xcode13).
  • Older React Native CLI might be using that.
  • However in latest React Native code,  it is replaced with a simctl command
  • It is advisable to avoid using xcrun instruments in Xcode12.
  • Instead use xcrun xctrace.
  • Also you would need Xcode to run React Native code.
  Missing all the above pointers, while you try to build project using below command, it fails with above error.

react-native run-ios

  Let's try the below options to fix the error.  


Before you proceed, quit any of the existing simulator process.

  • Quit the simulator
  • Quit the Xcode
  Once you done with the above checks, proceed with the next steps.  

Option 1 :

  • Copy xcode instruments (if available).
  • And place in the xcode directory.
  • Then build the project.

react-native run-ios


Option 2 :

  • Install the xcode command line tools.

xcode-select --install

sudo xcodebuild -license accept 


  • After installing Xcode, sometimes CLI is not set. So you would need to do extra step.

  • Once xcode is installed, open the Xcode menu.  Go to Preferences --> Locations tab.

  • You need to set the Xcode version from dropdown against the Command Line Tools. Otherwise the command line tools will be blank.

  • Once you are done with the above steps, run the below -

react-native run-ios

  Hope this helps to solve the issue.    

Other Reads -


failed to locate 'instruments' ,failed to locate 'instruments' react native ,xcrun: error: unable to find utility "simctl", not a developer tool or in path ,xcode 13 unable to find utility "instruments", not a developer tool or in path ,unable to find utility instruments'', not a developer tool or in path react native ,xcode 13 xcrun: error: unable to find utility "instruments", not a developer tool or in path ,command failed: xcrun instruments -s ,xcrun instruments -s devices ,xcrun: error: unable to find utility "instruments" xcode 13 ,xcrun: error: failed to locate 'instruments xcode 13 ,failed to locate 'instruments' ,failed to locate 'instruments' react native ,error failed to locate 'instruments' ,xcrun error failed to locate 'instruments' ,instruments error failed to locate 'instruments' ,xcode-select failed to locate 'instruments' ,failed to locate 'instruments' xcode 13 ,error instruments error failed to locate 'instruments' ,error unable to find utility instruments not a developer tool or in path ,xcode 13 xcrun error failed to locate 'instruments' ,xcrun error failed to locate 'instruments'. xcode 13 ,xcrun error unable to find utility instruments not a developer tool or in path xcode 13 ,xcrun error unable to find utility instruments not a developer tool or in path react native ,xcrun error unable to find utility instruments not a developer tool or in path ,xcrun: error: unable to find utility "instruments" ,xcrun error unable to find utility instruments not a developer tool or in path ,xcrun error unable to find utility instruments xcode 13 ,xcrun error unable to find utility instruments ,xcrun error unable to find utility xcodebuild ,xcrun error unable to find utility packageapplication not a developer tool or in path ,xcrun error unable to find utility xctest , , , , , , ,xcrun error invalid active developer ,xcrun error active developer path ,xcrun error failed to locate 'instruments' ,xcrun error missing developer\_dir path ,xcrun error vscode 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