In this post, we will see How To Fix - "error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat". This is one of the errors commonly found while installing some packages in Python.
error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
python -m pip install <wheel\_file\_downloaded>
from setuptools import setup
from setuptools import Extension
except ImportError:
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
python build --compiler=mingw32
python install
Do the steps below if not already done -
Hope this helps.
error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat cython ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat anaconda ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.5 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.8 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat windows 10 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat f2py ,building 'jep' extension error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,building 'pycocotools.\_mask' extension error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,building 'im2col\_cython' extension error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,python build error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,compiling c sources error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error microsoft visual c++ 10.0 is required (unable to find vcvarsall.bat) ,error microsoft visual c++ 9.0 is required (unable to find vcvarsall.bat) ,error microsoft visual c++ 14.0 is required (unable to find vcvarsall.bat) ,distutils error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,distutils.errors.distutilsplatformerror unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,extension error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,unable to find vcvarsall.bat python ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.7 ,python install error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,jep error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat mingw ,distutils.errors.distutilsplatformerror unable to find vcvarsall.bat n' ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat pycharm ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat pycocotools ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat pycrypto ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.9 ,python error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat visual studio 2017 ,systemexit error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,python setup error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error setup script exited with error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat vs2019 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat windows ,cython windows error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,python cython error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,distutils.errors.distutilsplatformerror unable to find vcvarsall.bat python ,python pycrypto error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3 ,python unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat cython ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.7 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat anaconda ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 2.7 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.5 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat windows 10 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat f2py ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat pycharm ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat pycocotools ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,unable to find vcvarsall.bat cython ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.7 ,f2py unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat anaconda ,unable to find vcvarsall.bat anaconda ,unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.5 ,unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.9 ,unable to find vcvarsall.bat windows 10 , ,anaconda error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,building 'im2col\_cython' extension error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,building 'jep' extension error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,building 'pycocotools.\_mask' extension error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,building 'pyodbc' extension error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,compiling c sources error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,cython error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,cython windows error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,distutils error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,distutils.errors.distutilsplatformerror unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,distutils.errors.distutilsplatformerror unable to find vcvarsall.bat n' ,distutils.errors.distutilsplatformerror unable to find vcvarsall.bat python ,error microsoft visual c++ 10.0 is required (unable to find vcvarsall.bat) ,error microsoft visual c++ 14.0 is required (unable to find vcvarsall.bat) ,error microsoft visual c++ 9.0 is required (unable to find vcvarsall.bat) ,error setup script exited with error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat anaconda ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat cython ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat f2py ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat git ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat github ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat group ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat header ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat history ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat hub ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat key ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat keyword ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat linux ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat location ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat log ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat mingw ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat oracle ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat pycharm ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat pycocotools ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat pycrypto ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 2.7 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.5 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.7 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.8 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 3.9 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat query ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat queue ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat quiz ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat tables ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ubuntu ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat update ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat url ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat visual studio 2017 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat vs2019 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat windows ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat windows 10 ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat xml ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat year ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat youtube ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat zip ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat zip file ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat zone ,error unable to find vcvarsall.bat zoom ,extension error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,f2py error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,jep error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,pip error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,py2exe error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,pycrypto error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,pyodbc error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,python cython error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,python error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,python setup error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,python build error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,python install error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,systemexit error unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,unable to find vcvarsall.bat ,unable to find vcvarsall.bat python 2.7 ,unable to find vcvarsall.bat visual studio 2019 ,unable to find vcvarsall.bat windows 10 ,windows error unable to find vcvarsall.bat