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How To Fix - "Fatal Error During KafkaServerStartable" in Kafka ?

In this Post , we will see How To Fix - "Fatal Error During KafkaServerStartable" in Kafka ? At times , while starting the Kafka Server , you might face the below error -

FATAL Fatal error during KafkaServerStartable startup. . Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable)<!-- more -->

We will see how we can fix this issue . First thing first , hopefully you follow the below CHRONOLOGICAL steps while booting up your Kafka Cluster.

  • First Ensure that there are no Running instances of Kafka or Zookeeper. If yes , then first Stop Kafka and Zookeeper. You could use the .sh or .bat (if you are using windows - comes as in the config folder) to stop the processes. You can also use below commands to kill the Zookeeper process -

$ ps aux | grep zookeeper
$kill -9 < process>


  • Clean up the directories - kafka-log & Zookeeper-log

  • Next check the file and find the zookeeper data dir. Delete the contents of data dir in zookeeper.
  Once all the above (or some as applicable to your scenario) steps are completed , do the following exactly in the same order -

  • Start the Zookeeper Server First . Wait till your zookeeper ensemble is up and running . Once that is confirmed , THEN AND ONLY THEN , you should proceed next . This is so that you give the Zookeeper nodes sufficient time to join the ensemble .

  • Next Start the Kafka Server
  Hopefully this will solve the issue.   Other Similar Reads -


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