In this post, we will see How To Fix - "Error: No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder" in Android. You might face this error while compiling your Android\Flutter Project. The error might appear in various facets based on your installation, version used and platform. This is mostly a dependency failure.
Exception thrown while executing model rule
No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: llvm
No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix mips64el-linux-android
Execution failed for task ':X:yyyyyyyy'.
No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: arm-linux-androideabi
No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix mipsel-linux-android
Let's see the options you could opt as a solution to fix this issue -
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
classpath {'**x.y.z**'}
} file
distributionUrl = "https\\://**x.y.z**\"
no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains react native ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix: mips64el-linux-android ,azure no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix: arm-linux-androideabi ,no compatible toolchains found for request filter ,could not determine ndk host architecture. none of the following directories exist ,ndk does not contain any platforms. ,location specified by ndk dir did not contain a valid ndk and and couldn't be used ,ndk is missing a platforms'' directory android studio 4.1 1 ,android no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix mips64el-linux-android ,android studio no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix ,error-no-toolchains-found-in-the-ndk-toolchains-folder-for-abi-with-prefix-llc ,gradle sync failed no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix ,linux no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi , ,No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi flutter ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix react native ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix flutter ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi appcenter ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi azure ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi mac ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi \* try ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-android ,error-no-toolchains-found-in-the-ndk-toolchains-folder-for-abi-with-prefix-llc ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix mips64 ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix mips64el ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-li ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix mips64el-linux-android ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix ,gradle sync failed no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix ,linux no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi ,android studio no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix x86 ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi android ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi fastlane , , , ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder based ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder box ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder build ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder by ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder c# ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder called ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder command ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder connection ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder device ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder dialog ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder directory ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder download ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-li ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-android ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi \* try ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi appcenter ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi azure ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi fastlane ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi flutter ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix arm-linux-androideabi mac ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix flutter ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix mips64 ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix mips64el ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix mips64el-linux-android ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix react native ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder for abi with prefix x86 ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder handle ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder has ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder headers ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder home ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder html ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder icon ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder in linux ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder ios ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder is ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder java ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder javascript ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder jquery ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder js ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder kali ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder keeps ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder key ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder kotlin ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder kubernetes ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder on ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder only ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder options ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder que ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder query ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder question ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder queue ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder quick ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder test ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder to ,no toolchains found in the ndk toolchains folder tool ,no toolchains found in the 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