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How To Fix - "Error: pg_config executable not found" in Python ?

In this post, we will see How To Fix - "Error: pg_config executable not found" in Python. The most frequent occurrence of this issue is while installing or using psycopg2 & PostgreSQL.

Error: pg\_config executable not found.
Please add the directory containing pg\_config to the PATH
or specify the full executable path with the option

Let's see what pg_config is - pg_config utility prints various configuration parameters with respect to the running version of PostgreSQL. As such it  is used by different software, modules or packages while trying to access Postgresql. First thing first, it is assumed that you had installed postgresql & psycopg2 in the below sequence of order. If this sequence is followed, it is highly unlikely that any error should come.

  • Installed postgresql
  • Added postgresql bin dir to PATH variable
  • Installed psycopg2
In case the above sequence of order was not adhered to and subsequently you face the error, let's see how we can identify the root cause and fix the current issue step by step.  

Check :

  • Check the current postgresql configuration. Use the below command -

eval ./configure 'pg\_config --configure'

  • As a next step, check if postgresql is correctly been added to the environment PATH variable.

$ which pg\_config

  • If postgresql binaries are not added to the Path variable while installing postgresql, then add it manually. This will automatically add pg_config to the environment path as well. Check the availability of pg_config file in one of the below location based on your platform. Now assuming you added the postgresql bin to the PATH variable, hence the pg_config file must be accessible . And hopefully the error should be fixed. This is the most basic cause and fix for the issue.
    • Windows - ProgramFiles\PostgreSQL\Version_No\bin
    • Mac  - /Applications/<Version_No>/bin
    • /Library/PostgreSQL/<Version_No>/bin
    • /usr/pgsql-<Version_No>/bin/
  Did the above steps help to fix the error ? If yes - Great ! But if not then read on. If even after the above steps, you are facing the same error, then most probably the issue lies with pycopg2 package installation. Psycopg2 is the database adapter for Postgresql database and is the current stable implementation of this adapter. It is a C extension. And hence it is only compatible with CPython (Not Cython - don't get confused). CPython is the default and most widely used implementation of the Python language - mostly you are using exactly this version of python itself right now. Hence you would need few additional steps. So read on for the next set of check-steps to follow.  

Check :

  • Did you install pyscopg2 correctly ? Note that - it is a C wrapper around the libpq postgreSQL client library. And hence there are few things that you need to take care of. Use the below steps if not done already.

  • Python header files - These are needed for pycopg2. So install these by installing the the package - python-dev or python3-dev as per the python version.

sudo apt-get install python-dev  <- for python 2.7

sudo apt-get install python3.5-dev <- python 3.5

sudo apt-get install python3.9-dev <- python 3.9

Note : While doing this step, if you see an error - "Python.h: No such file or directory", the fix is explained here - How To Fix – fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory ?  

  • libpq header files - These are also needed for psycopg2. So install these by installing the package libpq-dev.

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev


  • pg_config -  It is installed by the libpq-dev package. But it might get missed from being added to the PATH. Get the path . Generally it is - /usr/lib/postgresql/X.Y/bin/. And then add it to the PATH.

$ export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/X.Y/bin/:$PATH


  • Assuming you followed the above steps, run the below -

$ pip install psycopg2


Check :

For your ease - this is a quick comprehensive fix if you are not bothered about the extra knowledge and just concerned with the fix.

  • Ubuntu -

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev <- for python 2.7
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python3.5-dev <- python 3.5
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python3.9-dev <- python 3.9

  • Mac

brew install postgresql

  • openSUSE:

zypper in postgresql-devel

  • Amazon Linux

yum -y install postgresql-devel

  • CentOS

sudo yum install postgresql postgresql-devel python-devel


Additional Info :

Few points you should note and cross-check -

  • The current psycopg2 supports -
    • Python - 3.6 to 3.9
    • PostgreSQL server - 7.4 to 13
    • PostgreSQL client - from 9.1
  Hope this helps to fix the error.  

Other Interesting Reads -


pg\_config executable not found psycopg2 ,pg\_config executable not found mac ,error: pg\_config executable not found windows ,pg\_config executable not found ubuntu ,error pg\_config executable not found. centos 7 ,error: pg\_config executable not found alpine ,error: pg\_config executable not found mac m1 ,error: pg\_config executable not found. redhat , , , , ,airflow error pg\_config executable not found ,error pg\_config executable not found. apt ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2-binary ,error pg\_config executable not found. big sur ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2-binary ,error pg\_config executable not found. docker build ,elastic beanstalk error pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable not found. pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source ,pg\_config executable not found centos ,error pg\_config executable not found. centos 7 ,error pg\_config executable not found. centos ,error pg\_config executable not found. centos 8 ,psycopg2 pg\_config executable not found centos ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 centos , ,pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config not found mac ,pg\_config command not found ,pg\_config executable not found windows ,pg\_config executable not found windows 10 ,pg\_config executable not found docker ,pg\_config executable not found amazon linux ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2-binary ,pg\_config executable file not found in $path , ,cygwin error pg\_config executable not found ,centos7 error pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable not found debian ,pg\_config executable not found dbt ,error pg\_config executable not found. django-heroku ,pg\_config executable not found ec2 ,error pg\_config executable not found ,error pg\_config executable not found. mac ,error pg\_config executable not found. docker ,error pg\_config executable not found. windows ,error pg\_config executable not found windows 10 ,pg\_config executable not found fedora ,pg\_config executable file not found in $path ,exec pg\_config executable file not found in $path ,pg\_config executable not found ubuntu ,error pg\_config executable not found. ubuntu ,error pg\_config executable not found linux ,pg\_config executable not found. mac ,pg\_config executable not found in windows ,pg\_config executable not found in python ,pip3 install pg\_config executable not found ,install error pg\_config executable not found ,pip install psycopg2 error pg\_config executable not found windows ,pip install psycopg2 error pg\_config executable not found mac ,jupyter error pg\_config executable not found ,jenkins error pg\_config executable not found ,error pg\_config executable not found. windows 10 ,pg\_config executable not found linux ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 linux ,error pg\_config executable not found on mac ,pg\_config executable not found osx ,error pg\_config executable not found on windows ,error pg\_config executable not found. opensuse ,odoo error pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2 ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2 mac ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2 windows ,pg\_config executable not found postgres ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 windows ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 docker ,pg\_config executable not found rhel ,error pg\_config executable not found. redhat ,error pg\_config executable not found rhel ,serverless error pg\_config executable not found ,suse error pg\_config executable not found ,python slim error pg\_config executable not found ,error pg\_config executable not found. virtualenv ,pg\_config executable not found wsl ,windows python error pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable not found centos 7 ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source windows ,error pg\_config executable not found. mac m1 ,pg\_config executable not found macos ,please add the directory containing pg\_config to the path windows ,pg\_config' is not recognized as an internal or external command ,docker alpine pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable not found mac ,pg\_config executable not found windows ,pg\_config executable not found docker ,pg\_config executable not found windows 10 ,pg\_config executable not found amazon linux ,pg\_config executable not found python ,pg\_config executable not found docker ubuntu ,pg\_config executable not found redhat ,pg\_config executable not found alpine ,pg\_config ,pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 ,pg\_config command not found ,pg\_config tool is not available ,pg\_config not found mac ,pg\_config path ,pg\_config windows ,pg\_config macos ,pg\_config alpine ,pg\_config arch ,pg\_config apt-get ,pg\_config add to path ,pg\_config amazon linux ,pg\_config archlinux ,pgadmin config ,pg\_config brew ,pg\_config binary ,bundle config page ,pg backup.config ,pgbouncer config ,pg\_backup.config location ,pg backup.config postgres ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source ,pg\_config command not found mac ,pg\_config command not found windows ,pg\_config command not found ubuntu ,pg\_config command not found macos ,pg\_config change version ,pg\_config change libdir ,pg\_config command ,pg\_config debian ,pg\_config docker ,pg\_config directory ,pg\_config download ,pg\_dump config file ,pg database config ,pg\_extension config dump ,pg\_config.h doesn't exist ,pg\_config executable not found mac ,pg\_config executable not found windows ,pg\_config executable not found docker ,pg\_config executable not found windows 10 ,pg\_config executable not found amazon linux ,pg\_config executable not found python ,pg\_config executable not found redhat ,pg\_config file ,pg\_config fedora ,pg config file location ,pg\_config for postgresql ,pg\_ctl config file ,pg\_config not found windows ,pg\_config not found centos ,pg\_config gem ,pg config generator ,get pg\_config ,pg\_config homebrew ,pg\_config.h ,pg\_config.h not found ,pg\_hba.conf ,config pg\_hba.conf ,pg\_hba.conf location ,pg heroku config ,pg\_config install ,pg\_config install mac ,pg\_config is not recognized ,pg\_config install windows ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source windows ,pg\_config executable not found. mac ,pg\_config executable not found ubuntu ,pg\_config executable not found centos ,pg\_config location ubuntu ,pg\_config location ,pg\_config location windows ,pg\_config location centos ,pg\_config libdir ,pg\_config mac ,

pg\_config missing ,pg\_config manual.h ,pg\_config manual ,pg\_config make install ,pg\_config man page ,no pg\_config mac ,pg\_ts\_config\_map ,pg\_config not found ,pg\_config not found docker ,pg\_config... no ,pg\_config node ,pg\_config not working ,pg\_config option in 'setup.cfg' ,pg\_config os x ,pg\_config on windows ,pg\_config opensuse ,pg\_config is.h ,pg\_config openssl ,pg\_config is.h download ,pg\_config not found osx ,pg\_config psycopg2 ,pg\_config path windows ,pg\_config postgresql 12 ,pg\_config postgresql ,pg\_config path centos ,pg\_config postgresql 11 ,pg\_config pypi ,pg\_config reload ,pg\_config rpm ,pg\_config redhat ,pg\_config rhel ,pg\_config rhel 8 ,pg\_config ruby ,pg\_config redhat 7 ,pg\_restore config ,pg\_config shows wrong version ,pg\_config suse ,pg\_config set version ,pg\_config symlink ,pg set\_config ,pg show config ,pg\_catalog.set\_config ,pg\_catalog.set\_config search\_path ,pg\_config tool is not available mac ,pg\_config tool ,pg\_config to path ,pg\_config table ,pg\_ts\_config ,pg\_top config ,pg\_config ubuntu ,pg\_config ubuntu 20.04 ,pg\_config usage ,pg\_config utility ,pg\_upgrade config file ,update pg\_config ,pg\_config uninstall ,use pg\_config ,pg\_config version ,pg\_config view ,pg\_config postgres version ,set pg\_config environment variable ,pg\_view config file ,pg\_config windows 10 ,pg\_config wrong version ,pg\_config where is ,which pg\_config returns nothing ,gem install pg with config ,pg\_config yum ,yocto pg\_config ,pg\_config executable not found docker ubuntu ,pg\_config executable not found alpine ,airflow error pg\_config executable not found ,error pg\_config executable not found. apt ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2-binary ,error pg\_config executable not found. big sur ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2-binary ,error pg\_config executable not found. docker build ,elastic beanstalk error pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable not found. pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source ,error pg\_config executable not found. centos 7 ,error pg\_config executable not found. centos ,error pg\_config executable not found. centos 8 ,psycopg2 pg\_config executable not found centos ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 centos ,cygwin error pg\_config executable not found ,centos7 error pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable not found debian ,pg\_config executable not found dbt ,error pg\_config executable not found. django-heroku ,pg\_config executable not found ec2 ,error pg\_config executable not found ,error pg\_config executable not found. mac ,error pg\_config executable not found. docker ,error pg\_config executable not found. windows ,error pg\_config executable not found windows 10 ,pg\_config executable not found fedora ,pg\_config executable file not found in $path ,exec pg\_config executable file not found in $path ,error pg\_config executable not found. ubuntu ,error pg\_config executable not found linux ,pg\_config executable not found in windows ,pg\_config executable not found in python ,pip3 install pg\_config executable not found ,install error pg\_config executable not found ,pip install psycopg2 error pg\_config executable not found windows ,pip install psycopg2 error pg\_config executable not found mac ,jupyter error pg\_config executable not found ,jenkins error pg\_config executable not found ,error pg\_config executable not found. windows 10 ,pg\_config executable not found linux ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 linux ,error pg\_config executable not found on mac ,pg\_config executable not found osx ,error pg\_config executable not found on windows ,error pg\_config executable not found. opensuse ,odoo error pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2 ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2 mac ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2 windows ,pg\_config executable not found postgres ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 windows ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 docker ,pg\_config executable not found rhel ,error pg\_config executable not found. redhat ,error pg\_config executable not found rhel ,serverless error pg\_config executable not found ,suse error pg\_config executable not found ,python slim error pg\_config executable not found ,error pg\_config executable not found. virtualenv ,pg\_config executable not found wsl ,windows python error pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable not found centos 7 ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source mac ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source docker ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source centos ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source alpine ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source. please add the directory ,psycopg2-binary pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 centos ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source. please add the directory containing pg\_config ,error pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source ,error pg\_config executable not found while installing psycopg2 ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source ubuntu ,or with the pg\_config option in 'setup.cfg' ,pip install pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source ,how to pip install psycopg2 ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source linux ,how to install psycopg2 in linux ,how to install psycopg2 in ubuntu ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 macos ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 mac ,docker pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source. please add the directory docker ,install psycopg2 from source ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 windows ,how to install psycopg2 on windows ,pg\_config command not found npm ,node pg\_config command not found ,/bin/sh pg\_config command not found ,mac /bin/sh pg\_config command not found ,error command returned 2 make pg\_config=/usr/bin/pg\_config all ,bash pg\_config command not found ,error b pyenv pg\_config command not found in' ,pg\_config command not found centos ,make pg\_config command not found ,make pg\_config command not found make \*\*\* no targets. stop ,zsh command not found pg\_config ,exception pg\_config tool is not available ,exception pg\_config tool is not available. mac ,checking for pg\_config... not found ,pygresql pg\_config tool is not available ,pg\_config' is not recognized as an internal or external command ,how to install pg\_config on mac ,error pg\_config executable not found. mac m1 ,pg\_config executable not found macos ,pg\_config not found macos ,pip pg\_config path ,add pg\_config to path windows ,add pg\_config to path linux ,pg\_config path linux ,pg\_hba.conf path centos ,change pg\_config path ,find pg\_config path ,pg\_catalog.set\_config('search\_path' '' false) ,pg\_config not found in path ,pg\_config in path ,pg\_config not in path ,pg\_hba.conf path linux ,add pg\_config to path mac ,postgresql pg\_config path ,psycopg2 pg\_config path ,path to pg\_config perl ,add pg\_config to path ,path to pg\_config centos ,pg\_hba.conf path ubuntu ,pg\_hba.conf path windows ,pg\_hba.conf windows example ,windows pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config windows install ,pg\_hba.conf windows location ,checking for pg\_config... no windows ,pg\_config windows path ,pg\_hba.conf windows path ,postgresql windows pg\_config ,windows pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source ,how to install psycopg2 in windows ,pg\_hba.conf windows server ,macos pg\_config executable not found ,install pg\_config macos ,docker alpine pg\_config executable not found ,alpine pg\_config executable not found ,alpine install pg\_config ,pg\_config alpine linux ,python alpine pg\_config executable not found ,alpine linux pg\_config ,pg\\_constraint ,pkg-config arch ,pg\_hba.conf path ,apt-get install pg\_config ,please add the directory containing pg\_config to the path windows ,how to add pg\_config to path ,how to add pg\_config to path windows ,please add the directory containing pg\_config to the path ubuntu ,please add the directory containing pg\_config to the path mac , ,airflow error pg\_config executable not found ,alpine error pg\_config executable not found ,aws error pg\_config executable not found ,centos 7 error pg\_config executable not found ,centos 8 error pg\_config executable not found ,centos error pg\_config executable not found ,centos pg\_config executable not found ,centos psycopg2 error pg\_config executable not found ,centos7 error pg\_config executable not found ,cygwin error pg\_config executable not found ,debian pg\_config executable not found ,django-heroku error pg\_config executable not found ,docker build error pg\_config executable not found ,

docker error pg\_config executable not found ,elastic beanstalk error pg\_config executable not found ,error pg\_config executable not found ,error pg\_config executable not found linux ,error pg\_config executable not found on mac ,error pg\_config executable not found on windows ,error pg\_config executable not found rhel ,error pg\_config executable not found while installing psycopg2 ,error pg\_config executable not found windows 10 ,error pg\_config executable not found. amazon linux ,error pg\_config executable not found. apt ,error pg\_config executable not found. big sur ,error pg\_config executable not found. centos ,error pg\_config executable not found. centos 7 ,error pg\_config executable not found. centos 8 ,error pg\_config executable not found. django-heroku ,error pg\_config executable not found. docker ,error pg\_config executable not found. docker build ,error pg\_config executable not found. mac ,error pg\_config executable not found. opensuse ,error pg\_config executable not found. pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 centos ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 docker ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 linux ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 windows ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2-binary ,error pg\_config executable not found. redhat ,error pg\_config executable not found. ubuntu ,error pg\_config executable not found. virtualenv ,error pg\_config executable not found. windows ,error pg\_config executable not found. windows 10 ,exec pg\_config executable file not found in $path ,fedora error pg\_config executable not found ,install error pg\_config executable not found ,install psycopg2 pg\_config executable not found ,jenkins error pg\_config executable not found ,jupyter error pg\_config executable not found ,linux error pg\_config executable not found ,macos error pg\_config executable not found ,odoo error pg\_config executable not found ,osx pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable file not found in $path ,pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable not found alpine ,pg\_config executable not found amazon linux ,pg\_config executable not found centos ,pg\_config executable not found centos 7 ,pg\_config executable not found dbt ,pg\_config executable not found debian ,pg\_config executable not found docker ,pg\_config executable not found docker ubuntu ,pg\_config executable not found ec2 ,pg\_config executable not found fedora ,pg\_config executable not found git ,pg\_config executable not found github ,pg\_config executable not found gitlab ,pg\_config executable not found in python ,pg\_config executable not found in windows ,pg\_config executable not found kali linux ,pg\_config executable not found kernel ,pg\_config executable not found kotlin ,pg\_config executable not found kubernetes ,pg\_config executable not found kubuntu ,pg\_config executable not found linux ,pg\_config executable not found mac ,pg\_config executable not found osx ,pg\_config executable not found postgres ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2 ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2 mac ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2 windows ,pg\_config executable not found psycopg2-binary ,pg\_config executable not found python ,pg\_config executable not found qgis ,pg\_config executable not found qml ,pg\_config executable not found query ,pg\_config executable not found queue ,pg\_config executable not found redhat ,pg\_config executable not found rhel ,pg\_config executable not found ubuntu ,pg\_config executable not found windows ,pg\_config executable not found windows 10 ,pg\_config executable not found wsl ,pg\_config executable not found xampp ,pg\_config executable not found xcode ,pg\_config executable not found zendesk ,pg\_config executable not found zerodha ,pg\_config executable not found zip ,pg\_config executable not found zip file ,pg\_config executable not found. mac ,pg\_config executable not found. pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source ,pip install django-heroku error pg\_config executable not found ,pip install psycopg2 error pg\_config executable not found mac ,pip install psycopg2 error pg\_config executable not found windows ,pip3 install pg\_config executable not found ,psycopg2 pg\_config executable not found centos ,psycopg2 pg\_config executable not found windows ,psycopg2-binary error pg\_config executable not found ,psycopg2-binary pg\_config executable not found ,python slim error pg\_config executable not found ,redhat error pg\_config executable not found ,rhel error pg\_config executable not found ,serverless error pg\_config executable not found ,suse error pg\_config executable not found ,ubuntu error pg\_config executable not found ,windows error pg\_config executable not found ,windows python error pg\_config executable not found ,/bin/sh 1 pg\_config not found ,/bin/sh pg\_config command not found ,/bin/sh pg\_config コマンドが見つかりません ,/usr/bin/which no pg\_config in ,add pg\_config to path ,add pg\_config to path linux ,add pg\_config to path windows ,alpine pg\_config ,amazon linux pg\_config ,arch pg\_config ,archlinux pg\_config ,bash pg\_config command not found ,brew install pg\_config ,bundle config page ,bundle install no pg\_config ,bundle install with pg config ,centos pg\_config ,change pg\_config ,change pg\_config version ,checking for pg\_config... no ,checking for pg\_config... no mac ,checking for pg\_config... not found ,command not found pg\_config ,config pg\_hba.conf ,config/database.yml pg ,configure pgadmin ,configure pgtop ,could not find pg\_config ,could not find pg\_config.h ,could not find pg\_config.h in /usr/include/postgresql ,could not get pg\_config ,cygwin pg\_config ,debian pg\_config ,default config pg\_hba.conf ,dnf pg\_config ,docker pg\_config executable not found ,download pg\_config ,error pg\_config executable not found ,error pg\_config executable not found windows 10 ,error pg\_config executable not found. centos ,error pg\_config executable not found. centos 7 ,error pg\_config executable not found. docker ,error pg\_config executable not found. mac ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2 windows ,error pg\_config executable not found. psycopg2-binary ,error pg\_config executable not found. windows ,exception pg\_config tool is not available ,fedora install pg\_config ,fedora pg\_config ,find pg\_config ,find\_executable checking for pg\_config ,freebsd pg\_config ,gem install pg no pg\_config ,gem install pg with config ,gem install pg with pg config ,get pg\_config ,homebrew pg\_config ,homebrew pg\_config not found ,how to add pg\_config to path ,how to add pg\_config to path windows ,how to add the package containing the executable pg\_config ,how to config pg\_hba.conf ,how to configure pg\_hba.conf ,how to configure pg\_rman ,how to install pg\_config ,how to run pg\_config ,how to update pg\_config ,install pg\_config ,install pg\_config centos ,install pg\_config mac ,install pg\_config on windows ,install pg\_config ruby ,install pg\_config windows ,install psycopg2 without pg\_config ,libpq pg\_config ,linux install pg\_config ,linux postgres pg\_config ,locate pg\_config ,mac pg\_config ,mac pg\_config executable not found ,macports pg\_config ,make pg\_config command not found ,man pg\_config ,missing pg\_config ,no matching distribution found for pg\_config ,no pg\_config ,no pg\_config mac ,no pg\_config... trying anyway ,no pg\_config... trying anyway mac ,no pg\_hba.conf entry ,no version set for command pg\_config ,node pg config ,node pg\_config command not found ,npm pg\_config ,npm pg\_config command not found ,opensuse pg\_config ,or with the pg\_config option in 'setup.cfg' ,osx install pg\_config ,osx pg\_config executable not found ,osx pg\_config not found ,path to pg\_config ,path to pg\_config centos ,path to pg\_config perl ,pg backup.config ,pg backup.config postgres ,pg config calculator ,pg config file location ,pg config generator ,pg database config ,pg heroku config ,pg set\_config ,pg show config ,pg\_backup.config location ,pg\_catalog.set\_config search\_path ,pg\_config add to path ,pg\_config alpine ,pg\_config alpine linux ,pg\_config amazon linux ,pg\_config apt-get ,pg\_config arch ,pg\_config archlinux ,pg\_config binary ,pg\_config brew ,pg\_config change libdir ,pg\_config change version ,pg\_config command ,pg\_config command not found ,pg\_config command not found mac ,pg\_config command not found macos ,pg\_config command not found ubuntu ,pg\_config command not found windows ,pg\_config cygwin ,pg\_config debian ,pg\_config directory ,pg\_config docker ,pg\_config download ,pg\_config error ,pg\_config executable not found ,pg\_config executable not found amazon linux ,pg\_config executable not found centos ,pg\_config executable not found docker ,pg\_config executable not found mac ,pg\_config executable not found osx ,pg\_config executable not found python ,pg\_config executable not found redhat ,pg\_config executable not found ubuntu ,pg\_config executable not found windows ,pg\_config executable not found windows 10 ,pg\_config executable not found. mac ,pg\_config fedora ,pg\_config file ,pg\_config for postgresql ,pg\_config gem ,pg\_config homebrew ,pg\_config install ,pg\_config install mac ,pg\_config install windows ,pg\_config is not recognized ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source docker ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source mac ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 from source windows ,pg\_config is.h ,pg\_config is.h download ,pg\_config key ,pg\_config libdir ,pg\_config location ,pg\_config location centos ,pg\_config location ubuntu ,pg\_config location windows ,pg\_config mac ,pg\_config macos ,pg\_config make install ,pg\_config man page ,pg\_config manual ,pg\_config manual.h ,pg\_config missing ,pg\_config node ,pg\_config not found ,pg\_config not found centos ,pg\_config not found docker ,pg\_config not found mac ,pg\_config not found osx ,pg\_config not found windows ,pg\_config not working ,pg\_config on windows ,pg\_config openssl ,pg\_config opensuse ,pg\_config option in 'setup.cfg' ,pg\_config os x ,pg\_config path ,pg\_config path centos ,pg\_config path windows ,pg\_config pgadmin ,pg\_config pip ,pg\_config postgres version ,pg\_config postgresql ,pg\_config postgresql 11 ,pg\_config postgresql 12 ,pg\_config postgresql 13 ,pg\_config psycopg2 ,pg\_config pypi ,pg\_config queue ,pg\_config queued ,pg\_config redhat ,pg\_config redhat 7 ,pg\_config reload ,pg\_config rhel ,pg\_config rhel 8 ,pg\_config rpm ,pg\_config ruby ,pg\_config set version ,pg\_config shows wrong version ,pg\_config suse ,pg\_config symlink ,pg\_config table ,pg\_config to path ,pg\_config tool ,pg\_config tool is not available ,pg\_config tool is not available mac ,pg\_config ubuntu ,pg\_config ubuntu 20.04 ,pg\_config uninstall ,pg\_config usage ,pg\_config utility ,pg\_config version ,pg\_config view ,pg\_config where is ,pg\_config windows ,pg\_config windows 10 ,pg\_config wrong version ,pg\_config xampp ,pg\_config xapk ,pg\_config xml ,pg\_config yum ,pg\_config zip ,pg\_config zip file ,pg\_config... no ,pg\_config.h doesn't exist ,pg\_config.h not found ,pg\_ctl config file ,pg\_ctl specify config file ,pg\_ctl start config\_file ,pg\_dump config file ,pg\_extension config dump ,pg\_hba.conf default config ,pg\_hba.conf location ,pg\_restore config ,pg\_stat\_statements config ,pg\_top config ,pg\_ts\_config ,pg\_ts\_config\_map ,pg\_upgrade config file ,pg\_view config file ,pgadmin config ,pgbouncer config ,postgres config file pg\_hba.conf ,postgres pg\_config ,postgres pg\_config\_manual.h ,postgres reload config pg\_hba.conf ,postgresql view pg\_config ,psycopg2-binary pg\_config ,psycopg2-binary pg\_config executable not found ,python setup pg\_config ,que es la innovacion abierta ,que es pg\_config ,rails no pg\_config ,rails pg config ,redhat pg\_config ,relation pg\_ts\_config does not exist ,reload pg config ,rhel pg\_config ,rpm pg\_config ,select pg\_catalog.set\_config('search\_path' '' false) ,select pg\_config ,set pg\_config ,set pg\_config environment variable ,setup.cfg options ,show pg\_config ,sudo apt-get install pg\_config ,suse pg\_config ,timescaledb could not get pg\_config ,timescaledb pg\_config ,timescaledb-tune pg\_config ,ubuntu 20.04 install pg\_config ,ubuntu pg\_config ,ubuntu postgresql pg\_config ,update pg\_config ,use pg\_config ,what does pg\_config do ,what is pg\_config ,what is pg\_config file ,what provides pg\_config ,where is pg\_config ,where is pg\_config centos ,where is pg\_config located ,where to find pg\_config ,which pg\_config returns nothing ,windows pg\_config executable not found ,windows psycopg2 pg\_config ,yocto pg\_config ,yum install pg\_config ,yum provides pg\_config ,zsh command not found pg\_config ,pg\_config ubuntu ,pg\_config windows ,pg\_config python ,pg\_config download ,pg\_config mac ,pg\_config psycopg2 ,pg\_config is required to build psycopg2 ,pg\_config install