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How To Fix Python TypeError "This Constructor Takes No Arguments"

This post explains How To Fix Python - TypeError: this constructor takes no arguments.

**TypeError: this constructor takes no arguments**

Fix - TypeError: this constructor takes no arguments:

Consider example below -

class A:
  def \_init\_(self, arg1):
  self.arg1 = arg1

def func(self):
  print 'Just printing arg1 value - ', self.arg1

p = A('Arg1')

This throws error - 
**TypeError: this constructor takes no arguments**

Fix - The reason is with the "init" part. To fix , know the below points -

  • If you use just one single underscore,, it create only a method (e.g. _init_) . This takes a default constructor - so it takes no arguments. Hence this throws the above error.
  • If you use Double underscores , (e.g. __init__) , then the method becomes a constructor . That will solve the error.
  Hope this helps.  

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