In this post, we will explore How To Fix - "Service 'SparkDriver' Could Not Bind on Port" Issue in Spark. Below are some of the formats of the same error.
"Service 'Driver' could not bind on port x. Attempting port y."
WARN Utils: Service 'sparkDriver' could not bind on a random free port. You may check whether configuring an appropriate binding address.
ip a = xx.xx.xx.xx
spark.driver.bindAddress = xx.xx.xx.xx
spark =SparkSession.builder.appName("Spark\_App") \\
.master("local\[\*\]") \\
.config("","xx.xx.xx.xx") \\ #IP Address
.config("spark.driver.bindAddress","xx.xx.xx.xx") \\ #IP Address
$ sudo hostname -s
Alternatively you could also set the hostname in the etc/hosts file. <hostname>
Check if the hostname changed by running below -
ping $(hostname)
export SPARK\_LOCAL\_IP=""
export SPARK\_LOCAL\_IP=
export SPARK\_LOCAL\_IP=
Hope the above will help to fix the issue.
service 'driver' could not bind on a random free port ,Service 'Driver' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. ,can't assign requested address: service 'sparkdriver' failed after 16 retries ,service 'sparkui' could not bind on port 4040 attempting port 4041 ,consider explicitly setting the appropriate port for the service 'sparkui ,service 'sparkui' could not bind on port 4055 attempting port 4056 ,spark localhost 7077 ,pyspark driver memory ,how to set spark local ip ,spark in local mode , , ,can't assign requested address: service 'sparkdriver' failed after 16 retries ,service 'sparkui' could not bind on port 4040 attempting port 4041 ,consider explicitly setting the appropriate port for the service 'sparkui ,service 'sparkui' could not bind on port 4055 attempting port 4056 ,spark localhost 7077 ,assertion failed expected hostname not ip but got ,spark ports ,how to set spark local ip , ,databricks connect service 'sparkdriver' could not bind on a random free port ,hp service center pekanbaru ,mac service 'sparkdriver' could not bind on a random free port ,ng-bind not working ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind environment variable ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind gateway ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind header ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind here ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind https ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind json ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind json file ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind json object ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind json response ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind kafka ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind key ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind lambda ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind localhost ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind logger ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind name ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind on a random free port ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind on port ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind on port 0. attempting port 1 ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind query ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind query parameter ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind query string ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind to ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind value ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind variable ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind xampp ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind xcode ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind xml ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind xml file ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind yet ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind your request ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind zabbix ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind zip file ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind zone ,service 'sparkdriver' could not bind zoom ,spark service 'sparkdriver' could not bind on a random free port ,spark-shell service 'sparkdriver' could not bind on a random free port ,utils service 'sparkdriver' could not bind on a random free port ,vue v-bind class not working ,warn utils service 'sparkdriver' could not bind on a random free port