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How To Fix - Service SparkDriver Could Not Bind on Port Issue in Spark ?

In this post, we will explore How To Fix - "Service 'SparkDriver' Could Not Bind on Port" Issue in Spark. Below are some of the formats of the same error.

"Service 'Driver' could not bind on port x. Attempting port y."

WARN Utils: Service 'sparkDriver' could not bind on a random free port. You may check whether configuring an appropriate binding address.



  • First thing first, check spark.driver.port. Does it match the port numbers used ?
  • These issues happen sometimes if there are Network changes (e.g. VPN) and the IP addresses are not correctly defined.
  • The major point is hostname, bind address etc. go in conflict with each other if not correctly defined. So it is a good practice to maintain uniformity while setting up the config.
  • Do note hostname with below command for later use -


  • Do note the internal IP with below command for later use -

ip a


Solution 1 :


  • Go to Spark config and set the host address - Set this specifically so that there is uniformity and system does not set the "system name" as the hoostname. = xx.xx.xx.xx


  • Go to Spark config and set the bind address - spark.driver.bindAddress

spark.driver.bindAddress = xx.xx.xx.xx


  • The above two config changes will ensure that hostname and bind address are same. However note that you can also use localhost ip as well i.e. for xx.xx.xx.xx in case you are using your local machine. However for Production cluster, it should be actual IP Address or it could be the Public IP in case of cloud system like AWS.
    You could also make the amendment dynamically in the run time as shown below -

spark =SparkSession.builder.appName("Spark\_App") \\
.master("local\[\*\]") \\
.config("","xx.xx.xx.xx") \\ #IP Address
.config("spark.driver.bindAddress","xx.xx.xx.xx") \\ #IP Address


Solution 2:

  • Are you using VPN while using the Spark job ?

  • If yes, you could use the below steps. Even if you are not using VPN, you could use the below steps and see if that works.

  • Run the below

$ sudo hostname -s

  Alternatively you could also set the hostname in the etc/hosts file.

  • Go to the etc/hosts file and make the below entries (or changes) <hostname>

    Check if the hostname changed by running below -

ping $(hostname)


Solution 3 :


  • Go to you ~/.bash_profile. Add below -

export SPARK\_LOCAL\_IP=""


  • Go to your Spark Home dir i.e. $SPARK_HOME. Locate file. Add the below changes . This will set the Spark Local IP.

export SPARK\_LOCAL\_IP=


  • Go to your Spark Home dir i.e. $SPARK_HOME. Locate file. Add the below changes . This will set the Spark Local IP.

export SPARK\_LOCAL\_IP=

  Hope the above will help to fix the issue.    

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