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How To Fix - "Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: Element Type is Invalid:" ?

In this post, we will see How To Fix - "Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: Element Type is Invalid:". Various formats of the above error -

Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string 
(for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: object.

Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid expected a string 
(for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined


Primitive Checks:

First thing first, check the below pointers to ensure you are at the right foot.

  • Are you using, importing or referencing any component is not present or imported . This may be due to any typo or often something that didn't catch attention like - version details, corresponding components names etc.
    • Incorrect import
    • Missed to to export/import something
    • Mismatched type of import (default/named)
    • Importing from a wrong library or path
  • Are you using any Styled-components ? The place of location might sometimes render some components inaccessible to other parts of the code.
  • Are you using the Import statements correctly ? And whatever is being "imported" are they correctly being pinpointed and pulled ?
It would be a Good Practice to cross-check these things once.  

Possible Fixes :

  • Did you miss any semicolon at the import-declaration statement ?

import x from './X'   <--- Throws Error 

import x from './X' **;** <--- No Error


  • Possible export declaration error

export default A();  <--- Throws Error 

export default A;    <--- No Error


  • Refer below scenario
Your export file might have the word "default".  If you are exporting something as default, then you should not import it as a named export.

export default class <THE\_NAME>

In that case, do not use {} when you import. See below example -

import { component } from "react"   <--- Throws Error 

import component from "react" <--- No Error

Or scenario

import {SOMETHING} from '../SOMEJS.js'   <--- Throws Error 

import SOMETHING from '../SOMEJS.js' <--- No Error

But if you don't have the "default" in your export - like shown below, then you have to use the {} i.e. you should import it as a named export.

export class classA

import {a} from classA


  • Another reason could be missing the bracket {} in comment symbols .

/\*{ oldComponent }\*/   <--- Throws Error 

**{**/\*{ oldComponent }\*/**}**  <--- No Error


  • You might also be using a wrong version and you could change that by using the appropriate version in package.json. e.g.

"react-router-dom": "^x.y.z"


  • Use export default or require(path).default

    var X = require('./components/Home').default

  • You could also use import from "react-router-dom" which also sometimes fixes this issue. This is applicable for Higher or Latest React versions.

import { Link } from 'react-router' <--- Throws Error 

import SOMETHING from 'react-router-dom' <--- No Error


  • Try installing react-router-redux with npm. Better to use 5.x+. And change the package.json.

npm install react-router-redux@next

"react-router-redux": "<^NEW\_VERSION>"

  Hope this helps to solve the issue.    

Other Interesting Reads -


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