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How to Get Count of Messages in a Kafka Topic ?

In this post , we will see How to Get Count of Messages in a Kafka Topic. There are different ways and workarounds to get this done. However do note that these options might not be an Exact count of messages and could turn out to be a ballpark estimate.  

Option 1: Using ConsumerOffsetChecker

If you are using an older version of Kafka , then you could use ConsumerOffsetChecker concept for this. \\
--topic <TOPIC\_NAME> \\
--zookeeper localhost:2181 \\
--group <GROUP\_NAME>


Option 2: Using ConsumerGroupCommand

However if you are using a newer version of Kafka which has no support for ConsumerOffsetChecker , you could try using ConsumerGroupCommand as shown below - kafka.admin.ConsumerGroupCommand \\
--group <GROUP\_NAME> \\
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \\

The output will look somewhat like below . The "LAG" will indicate the COUNT of messages in the specific partition within a Topic.

TEST      0          XXxxx             YYyyyy         ZZ1 
TEST      1          XXxxx           YYyyyy           ZZ2
TEST      2          XXxxxx           YYyyyy          ZZ3


Option 3: Using GetOffsetShell

If you are using newer version of Kafka , you can try the below option of as well.

$ kafka-run-class \\
--broker-list <HOST1:PORT,HOST2:PORT> \\
--topic <TOPIC\_NAME>

This command will display the number of messages in each Topic Partitions.  

Option 4: Using Kafkacat

You can also use Kafkacat to count the no. of messages or events.

$ kafkacat -b broker:<PORT> -t <TOPIC\_NAME> -C -e -q| wc -l


Option 5 : Using KSqlDB

Let's say you have created a schema of Kafka Topic "Test1" in the KsqlDB.

                Time VARCHAR ,
                Field1 VARCHAR )

Next based on whatever value you store in the flag 'auto.offset.reset' , accordingly it will consider the messages to be considered. "earliest" will indicate to read all the messages. When you execute the below sql, it will display the total count of messages based on the offset preference set with 'auto.offset.reset'.

SELECT NAME, COUNT(\*) AS Count\_Of\_Msg


Option 6 : Using

You can also use script to count the messages. \\
--from-beginning \\
--bootstrap-server <BROKER:PORT> \\
--property print.key=true \\
--property print.value=false \\
--property print.partition \\
--topic <TOPIC\_NAME> | tail -n 10|grep "Msg Count="

  Hope this helps.  

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