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How to Stop Windows 10 Auto Update

It is not advisable to Stop Windows Update – as each update contains necessary boosters or requisites for the Windows Operating system to run properly. However at times , you might still have the need or the necessity to stop Windows Update.

So I am going to show you how to do that simply. There are 2 ways you can do that –

Option 1 –

  1. Click Windows Search Button (At the Bottom Left of your Desktop or Laptop)

  2. Type in “cmd”

  3. Right Click on the “cmd” token and choose “Run as Administrator”

  4. Type in the below commands one by one in Sequence to Deactivate or Stop Windows Update

> net stop wuauserv It stops the Windows Update service. > net stop bits This command stops background intelligent transfer service. > net stop dosvc It stops delivery optimization service. And you are done ! And if you want to Again start the Windows update service , follow steps 1 – 4 as mentioned above and then use the below commands > net start wuauserv > net start bits > net start dosvc  

Option 2  -

There is another option to Stop Windows Update service.

  • Click Windows Search Button (At the Bottom Left of your Desktop or Laptop)
  • Type in “services”
  • Click and Open the “Services” app
  • A new window will open which lists all the different services on your machine. Scroll down the list and find out the name “Windows Update”
  • Right click and select Properties
  • Select “Startup type” option as “Disabled”
  • Click Apply and Ok
And you are done !