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How to Stream Data with Azure Event Hubs from Kafka (Java) ?

In this post, we will see How to Stream Data with Event Hubs using Kafka Protocol. Both Azure Event Hubs and Apache Kafka a data streaming platform and event ingestion service But Event Hubs comes without on-premise option. Azure Event Hubs for Kafka supports Apache Kafka version 1.0 and later.

Azure Event Hubs Kafka endpoints enable users to connect to Azure Event Hubs through the Kafka protocol. Users can connect to Azure Event Hub ecosystem by making some changes to the Kafka application. and reap the benefits of the Azure ecosystem. We will explain How to do this using Java. Also check at the end for details regarding error that might come while using this.  

Using Java as Client Language:

Before proceeding, ensure that you have the below things in place -

  • Azure Account
  • Java JDK 1.7+
  • Maven Binary
  • Git

Step 1:

  • Create an Azure Event Hubs namespace and then Kafka endpoint for the namespace will be automatically enabled.
  • Subsequently you can stream events into event hubs from the applications using Kafka protocol.

Step 2:

  • Go to -
  • Clone the repo

Step 3: Producer Side

  • Change the Producer configs
  • Go to below dir in the Repo.

  • This opens up the config. Note the specs of the config.
    • bootstrap.servers: Cluster endpoint.
    • security.protocol: Protocol used to communicate with brokers. Here we use SASL_SSL. SASL for authentication and SSL for encryption.
    • sasl.mechanism: Indicates how we authenticate. Using "PLAIN", we use a regular username/password based authentication process.
    • sasl.username: The username to use. For Confluent Cloud, it will be an API key mechanism, where the username is the API key, and the password is the API key’s secret.
    • sasl.password: As per above, this is the API key’s secret.

  • From the config you would require to modify - to the your actual namespace as shown below.
sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required username="$ConnectionString" password="**<your\_Event\_Hubs\_namespace>**";

  One example of actual config settings\_maker\_producer
security.protocol=SASL\_SSL required username="$ConnectionString" password="Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=\*\*\*\*\*\*";

sasl.mechanism=OAUTHBEARER required;


  • As a next step, you can execute the producer side code, let it run and start streaming events to Azure Event Hubs.

Step 4:  Consumer Side

  • Change the Consumer configs
  • Go to below dir in the Repo. azure-event-hubs-for-kafka/quickstart/java/consumer/src/main/resources/consumer.config

  • This opens up the config. Note the specs of the config.
    • bootstrap.servers: Cluster endpoint.
    • security.protocol: Protocol used to communicate with brokers. Here we use SASL_SSL. SASL for authentication and SSL for encryption.
    • sasl.mechanism: Indicates how we authenticate. Using "PLAIN", we use a regular username/password based authentication process.
    • sasl.username: The username to use. For Confluent Cloud, it will be an API key mechanism, where the username is the API key, and the password is the API key’s secret.
    • sasl.password: As per above, this is the API key’s secret.

  • From the config you would require to modify - to the your actual namespace.
sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required username="$ConnectionString" password="**<your\_Event\_Hubs\_namespace>**";

  For OAuth:
sasl.mechanism=OAUTHBEARER required;


  • As a next step, you can execute the producer side code, let it run and start streaming events from event hub using your Kafka clients

Measures to Handle Failures:

**To handle issues relating to connection, you could check the below pointers - **

  • Check whether Azure Eventhub is created in Basic plan Event Hub or Standard plan Event Hub. The Basic plan does not support interaction via Kafka protocol. You might have to upgrade to a Standard plan Event Hub.
  • SharedAccessKey gives error most of the time
  • Authentication Failure due to invalid credentials with Kafka brokers older than 1.0.0
  • Firewall blocking Kafka TLS traffic - restriciting to ONLY HTTPS traffic
  • Transient network issue. (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient:759)

Other Interesting Reads -


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