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What is a WebLogic Server Explained – Part 2

I have explained the Fundamentals of the use of a WebLogic Server in Part 1 here. This post explains things with some extended details. WebLogic Server has different components . All these components are Java process. The Components are –

1. Domain

  • Domain(s) are the Most primitive building blocks of a WebLogic server
  • Each domain MUST have ONE SINGLE Admin Server.
  • Domain might also contain zero or No Managerd Servers. Managed servers can further be Clustered based on need
  • Based on Business or Functional need , you can span out the applications across various domains.

2. Admin Server

  • It is an web-based Interface to administer the Domain.
  • You can also use WLST (WebLogic Scripting Tool) if you prefer script based administion .
  • Allows deployment and configuration of various resources such as adapters, jndi name configuration, connection pools etc.
  • Managed servers refer to the Admin server for configuration

3. Managed Server

  • This Java environment runs your actual Application.  
  • You can create Clusters of Managed Servers.
  • It can be a OBIEE(Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition) or Data Integrator or a Service Bus etc.
  • If you want High Availability or Fault-Tolerance , it is a good idea to deploy the Application onto more than one Managed server (Clustered or Non-Clustered)

Web Server , Application Server vs WebLogic Server

  • Web Server - Serves HTTP content.It mostly stores the Static Contents. E.g. Nginx or even Python's SimpleHTTPServer
  • Application Server – Hosts the Application(s) or Business Logic.
  • WebLogic Server – It bundles both Web Server & the Application Server. It is Oracle’s product. Competitor’s are – IBM WebSphere , Redhat JBoss & Apache Tomcat
  Read the Part 1 of WegLogic Server Explanation Here.