In this post , we will see How To Fix - UnrecognizedBrokerVersion Error in Kafka Python ? If you are using Kafka Python (may be as a Kafka Producer) , you might face the below issue -
\[ERROR\] UnrecognizedBrokerVersion: UnrecognizedBrokerVersion
raise Errors.UnrecognizedBrokerVersion()
I am assuming you are using -
from kafka import KafkaProducer
producer = KafkaProducer(<YOUR\_SETUP\_VARIABLES>)
Firstly understand that Kafka Producer has the below basic structure. We might not need all the details but good to know.
bootstrap\_servers=\['brokerhost1:port', 'brokerhost2:port', 'brokerhost3:port'\],
security\_protocol=<"SSL" or "SASL">
So try the below piece of code , if that helps to fix the problem -
from kafka import KafkaProducer
from kafka import KafkaClient
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap\_servers=\['localhost:9092'\], ----> OR YOUR SPECIFIC HOST ADDRESS
Hope this helps to solve the issue. Other Reads -