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How to Delete a Git Branch Remotely, Locally or from GitHub ?

In this post, we will see How to Delete a Git Branch Remotely, Locally or from GitHub. It is a good practice to keep the Git branches organized with no unnecessary add-ons. Essentially branches are named and movable references to commits done by Git users. Do note that when we delete a branch,  the commits are not deleted. There is a possibility of recovering the commits. But to reach those commits , you would require the hash of the last commit. So let's see the ways to delete a Git branch.

How To Directly Edit a Jupyter Notebook(.ipynb File) ?

This post explains How To Directly Edit a Jupyter Notebook(.ipynb Files) . We all know we can edit the .ipynb file using Jupyter Notebook Studio. But did you know that now you can Directly Edit a .ipynb file Natively using Visual Studio.

How to Distribute, Install, Manage or Ship Python Modules to Cluster Nodes in PySpark ?

In this post, we will see - How to Distribute, Manage or Ship Python modules to Other Cluster Nodes in PySpark ? Or in other words How we can install Python dependencies on Spark executor in the cluster.

How To Enable - Idempotent Producer in Kafka ?

In this post , we will see How To Enable - Idempotent Producer in Kafka . Idempotent Producer feature handles the situation - when due to network failure or any other reasons , the sync between Producer and Kafka broker gets broken . Thereby impacting the confusion whether the last messages were delivered (and replicated) or not.

How To Enable Kerberos in Cloudera Hadoop Cluster ?

In this post , I will explain How To Enable Kerberos in Cloudera Hadoop Cluster .

How to Enable UTF-8 in Python ?

In this post , we will see - How to Enable UTF-8 in Python.

How To Fix - "AWS EBS Volume Stuck in the "Attaching" State?

In this post, we will explore How To Fix - "AWS EBS Volume Stuck in the "Attaching" State. Sometimes even after attaching AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) to your AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance, it stays in the "attaching" state for sometime. Let's explore how we can fix  this issue.  

How To Fix - Batch Job Stuck in Runnable Status in AWS ?

In this post, we will explore - How To Fix - Batch Job Stuck in Runnable Status in AWS. Sometimes your AWS job seems to be stuck in the "RUNNABLE" state forever. This means your AWS jobs is not able to go beyond the RUNNABLE status possibly due to various reasons. Let's see how we can fix such issue. Before you proceed, know the below facts about the Runnable Job state -

How To Fix - Cluster Configuration Issue in Kafka ?

In this post we will discuss How To Fix - Kafka Cluster Configuration Issue in Kafka. Sometimes Kafka clustering gives setup issue.Lets say you have a Kafka Cluster with five brokers and one zookeeper.  Suppose the replication factor and partition is two. And you see messages like below in the terminal -

How To Fix - "Container Killed By YARN for Exceeding Memory Limits" in Spark ?

In this post, we will explore How To Fix - "Container Killed By YARN for Exceeding Memory Limits" in AWS EMR Spark. The job log might exhibit the below error message in the terminal.

How To Fix - Database Access Error in MongoDB ?

This Post explains - How To Fix - Database Access Error in MongoDB. Sometimes (if you are using older versions of MongoDB while the source code uses latest version systax , you might face issue while connecting Database Objects. We will discuss one such example below.

How To Fix - Deploying Kafka on AWS Error ?

In this post , we will see How To Fix - Deploying Kafka on AWS Error . While deploying Kafka on AWS , we sometimes see error as below -

How To Fix - "DockerTimeoutError" Error in AWS Jobs ?

In this post, we will explore How To Fix - "DockerTimeoutError" Error in AWS Jobs. Error Logs -

How To Fix - Error "ENOSPC: System Limit for Number of File Watchers Reached" ?

In this post, we will see - How To Fix - "ENOSPC: System Limit for Number of File Watchers Reached". This error can occur while developing applications in React Native, Node.js, AngularJS etc.

How To Fix - "INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES" Error in Android Studio ?

In this post , we will see How To Fix - "INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES" Error in Android Studio. You see the below error in your Android Studio

How To Fix - Partitions Being Revoked and Reassigned issue in Kafka ?

In this Post we will see How To Fix - Partitions Being Revoked and Reassigned issue in Kafka . It appears as a message in the terminal