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How To Fix - "ImportError: No Module Named" error in Spark ?

In this post, we will see - How To Fix "ImportError: No Module Named" error in Spark. Below are some of the various facets of this issue that you might face while working in Spark\PySpark .

How To Fix - Indentation Problem in Python ?

In this post , we will see How To Fix - Indentation Problem in a Python script. Lets try the below options to help us in the indentation process -

How To Fix - KafkaException: Failed to Construct Kafka Consumer

This post explains How To Fix - KafkaException: Failed to Construct Kafka Consumer  

How To Fix - Message Duplicates Issue in Kafka Broker ?

In this post , we will see How To Fix - Message Duplicates Issue in Kafka Broker . During Kafka runtime , sometimes due to network failure or any other reasons , the sync between Producer and Kafka broker gets broken . Thereby impacting the confusion whether the last messages were delivered (and replicated) or not. And once you bring up and restart the system and Resend the messages , you might notice Duplicate Messages in Kafka Broker. To handle this issue , we can take help of the Kafka Idempotent Producer feature . This feature is supported in version Kafka 0.11 .

How To Fix - Message Out Of Order Issue in Kafka Broker ?

In this post , we will see How To Fix - Message Out Of Order Issue in Kafka Broker . During Kafka runtime , sometimes due to network failure or any other reasons , the sync between Producer and Kafka broker gets broken . Thereby impacting the confusion whether the last messages were delivered (and replicated) or not.

How To Fix - Multiple Broker Start Error in Kafka ?

In this post , we will see - How To Fix - Multiple Broker Start Error in Kafka. You might face issue while trying to start multiple Broker in a Kafka cluster.

How To Fix - "No Module Named Pkg_Resources" Error in Django\Python ?

In this post, we will explore How To Fix - "No Module Named Pkg_Resources" Error in Django\Python. Error Log -

How To Fix - Error: No Toolchains Found in the NDK Toolchains Folder in Android ?

In this post, we will see How To Fix - "Error: No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder" in Android. You might face this error while compiling your Android\Flutter Project. The error might appear in various facets based on your installation, version used and platform. This is mostly a dependency failure.

How To Fix - "Not all brokers have rack information" Error in Kafka ?

In this post , we will see - How To Fix - "Not all brokers have rack information" Error in Kafka ? Sometimes while trying to create a Kafka topic , we encounter the below error -

How To Build\Create a Docker Image Using Different Options ?

In this post, we will see How To Build\Create a Docker Image Using Different Options. Note the below points about Docker images before we start -

How to Override - Kafka Topic configurations in MongoDB Connector?

This post is about How to Override - Kafka Topic configurations in MongoDB Connector. Try the below -

How to Process, Handle or Produce Kafka Messages in PySpark ?

In this post, we will see How to Process, Handle or Produce Kafka Messages in PySpark. We will see the below scenarios in this regard -

How To Read(Load) Data from Local, HDFS & Amazon S3 in Spark ?

This post explains - How To Read(Load) Data from Local , HDFS & Amazon S3 Files in Spark . Apache Spark can connect to different sources to read data. We will explore the three common source filesystems namely - Local Files, HDFS & Amazon S3.  

How To Read Kafka JSON Data in Spark Structured Streaming

This Post explains How To Read Kafka JSON Data in Spark Structured Streaming . Spark Kafka Data Source has below underlying schema:

How To Read Various File Formats in PySpark (Json, Parquet, ORC, Avro) ?

This post explains Sample Code - How To Read Various File Formats in PySpark (Json, Parquet, ORC, Avro). We will consider the below file formats -

  • JSON
  • Parquet
  • ORC
  • Avro
  • CSV